2010 GA HWY 133 SOUTH, MOULTRIE, GA 31788 PHONE: (229)-985-2233 or FAX (229) 891-3252
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Service - 10:30am
Wednesday Supper - 5:30
Wednesday Service - 6:30
We believe the following to be the absolute truth:
The Bible is the infallible Word of God, inspired by God, for instruction in righteousness.
There is only one God, without beginning or end, and God is a triune being consisting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God. He was born of the virgin Mary, crucified for the sins of mankind, and gloriously resurrected and now sits at the right-hand of God the Father.
The rapture is a factual, future even that will reunite Jesus and those who believe in Him.
Jesus will return in power and glory to re-establish the kingdom of God on this Earth.
Faith in Jesus and the cleansing power of his blood in the only way to salvation for mankind.
All believers should be baptised by immersion in water as an act of obedience and a public “statement of faith.”
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit enables the Christian to live a life that is holy and acceptable to God.

Lifespring Community Church is a body of believers in Christ Jesus who has given themselves to God. We are a place where God’s glory dwells. We are a tabernacle of praise and worship where God’s Word is preached and the name of Jesus is lifted high! We are a temple where prayers are raised and a sanctuary where the lost get saved. Lifespring is a church where the sick are healed, broken hearts are mended, and captives are set free! We are a group of brothers and sisters in Christ who are so in love with Jesus that our greatest desire is to know Him more and make Him known to all people regardless of color, ethnicity, age, gender, financial status, social standing, or former lifestyle. We are soldiers in God’s army who make war on the enemy. We are missionaries who take Christ to the nations. Lifespring is a training center that equips believers to overcome the traps of the enemy. We are a haven of rest where everyone is accepted and loved.